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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Facebook Group

Hello fellow advocates/allies/sex workers/academics/curious readers!

I just want to remind everyone about the facebook group that is associated with this blog- Sex Workers Outreach Project CT. I moderate the group, and it is a closed group. This means that people outside of the group cannot see the comments inside of the group. If you are someone who frequents this blog, whether you are an ally or a sex worker, please feel free to join the facebook group. The FB group is where I post updates about the formation of the SWOP-CT chapter, as well as discuss future events. In coming months, I hope to recruit as many allies and workers into the group as possible, and begin a formal chapter. I will be meeting with women from other SWOP chapters, and holding brunches where everyone can come together and discuss the groups goals. The link for the group is posted as part of the blog title on the front page.


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